2015年2月25日 星期三
2.25 資訊組織 上課心得
正題名 200 a UNIMARC書目格式
正題名 245 a MARC21 format for bibliography
MARC 21:
Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standard office
1. MARC 21 Format for bibliographic data
MARC 21 Format for bibliographic data (Lite)
2. MARC 21 Format for authority data
3. MARC 21 Format for holdings data
4. MARC 21 Format for classification data
5. MARC 21 Format for communication information data
• UNIMARC Bibliographic, 3rd edition: UPDATES 2012
• UNIMARC Authorities, 3rd edition: UPDATES 2012
• UNIMARC & Friends: Charting the New Landscape of Library Standards
• Manuel UNIMARC. Format bibliographique
• UNIMARC formats and related documentation
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